I am Marga Ozonas. I’m an international consultant, expert in gender responsive budgeting.
If you have arrived here I guess you were looking for information about gender responsive budgeting. On my Website you can see the experience I have and the type of work I do. If you want to contact me, at the bottom of the page you will find my email address.

This is my story
I graduated in Economics at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid and started working in a bank. It was not my place. One day I took a blank piece of paper and wrote down all the things that interested me, with the intention of redirecting my professional career. Thanks to this reflective work, I concluded that I had to dedicate myself to international cooperation. I did a Master’s degree in International Cooperation at the University of the Basque Country, which allowed me to do two years of internship at the United Nations in Costa Rica (a country I dream of returning to with my children).
Since then, I have worked with governments and international cooperation agencies to integrate the gender perspective into public policies and budgets in more than 40 countries.
Apart from working, I also love art, a hobby I share with my children. With them, I wrote and illustrated a storybook: “Abecedario Solidario: Cuentos con valores” (Solidarity Alphabet: Stories with values), which deals with the Sustainable Development Goals.
Remote or face-to-face
Consulting services

Public financial management reforms
Gender budgeting is part of public financial management and reform. There are many aspects that can be addressed, such as financial regulations, indicators, introduction of gender mainstreaming into budgetary programs, tools, etc.

I design and deliver all kinds of training and workshops. I am a regular collaborator of the ILO International Training Centre in Turin and the UN Women Training Centre for which I have designed and delivered courses in all modalities.

Development of manuals and tools
I design manuals and tools adapted to the budgetary contexts of the countries, integrating the gender perspective. I carry them out in a participatory manner with the government, listening to their needs and integrating their contributions.

I develop different types of diagnostics. I can propose new methodologies or use existing ones, such as the Supplementary Framework for Assessing Gender Responsive Public Financial Management.

Costing of policies and laws
Public programs and policies are designed to be implemented. To do this, it is first necessary to estimate their total cost, and secondly, to see which agencies will be in charge of assuming the budgetary expenses. I accompany the whole process.

Analysis of public policies and budgets
In order to improve budgetary policies and programs it is necessary to analyze them first. I have experience in this, applying it to different sectors and issues, such as gender violence; Women, peace and security; climate change, or sectors such as health, education, etc.

Development of gender-sensitive monitoring tools, including logical framework of programs and policies, proposal of monitoring indicators or public policy monitoring plans.

Evaluation of projects and programs, elaboration of program “exit strategies”, meta-evaluations, mapping and systematization, training in gender-sensitive policy and program evaluation.

Knowledge management
In order to produce knowledge management products, it is necessary to have a comprehensive and critical view. I do all kinds of documentation work.
Organizations I have worked for